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Oh My Lard Career Opportunities

Job Application

Personal Information

Your Name (required)

Your Email (required)

Your Best Phone Number (required)

Your Street Address, City, State, Zip Code (required)

Are you 16 years old or older?

What days are you available to work?

What hours are you available? (Check all that apply)

Work History

1. Company Name
Start Date End Date
Start Pay End Pay
Immediate Supervisor's Name
Employers Address
Employers Phone Number
Reason For Leaving

May we contact your previous employer? YesNo

2. Company Name
Start Date End Date
Start Pay End Pay
Position Immediate Supervisor's Name
Employers Address
Employers Phone Number
Reason For Leaving

May we contact your previous employer? YesNo

3. Company Name
Start Date End Date
Start Pay End Pay
Position Immediate Supervisor's Name
Employers Address
Employers Phone Number
Reason For Leaving

May we contact your previous employer? YesNo

Do you have any questions or additional comments, please leave them below.

Please note that this is the 1st application step to employment with Oh My Lard Restaurant. This is not a final decision for your employment. Please also know that if you are employed by Oh My Lard Restaurant, you WILL WORK Hard, you will lift heavy items, you will wash dishes, and you will be on a 30 day temporary hire. During your 30 day trial period you can be dismissed if things are not working out, hence its a 30 day trial period. Restaurant business is not for everybody, it not personal it's business! Being on Time, Being Honest, and Being a Hard Worker are a must! Lastly if we are interested in your application, OML will contact you!