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In the Media

Look who is making news? That's right, Oh My Lard is in the news! Check out the articles The Wilson Times has written about Oh My Lard by clicking on the links! More news coming soon...

Oh My Lard Takes Care of Teachers!

Oh My Lard enlisted the help of the community along with them to raise funds to assist a local teacher in our community. OML dropped off donations to this sweet lady at Forest Hills Middle this afternoon!! OML is happy to just make a difference in our community! "It's the right thing to do" says Sherry Bass.

Thanks to all that donated!!!!

#OhMyLard #WilsonPD #THANKYOU

Oh My Lard Takes Care of First Responders!

Yesterday (September 6th, 2017), Oh My Lard struck again! The kindness, support, and generosity of this business has continued to blow us away! We were treated to all the fixings for some outstanding sub sandwiches! Thank you so very much!

#OhMyLard #WilsonPD #THANKYOU

Ashley & Alice Stott Fundraiser

Wilson, NC had a wake up call as one of its more valuable volunteers and community person suddenly passed. Ashley's family and the community not understanding as to why initially this had happened to him. The Wilson community came together. The Staff at Oh My Lard restaurant and all of its patrons made donations, as Sherry Bass donated all dessert sales to the Stott's. Desserts were being ordered left and right. Oh My Lard was able to raise $3406.67 for the Stott family to help cover medical costs. Oh My Lard is a true community supporter!

Civilian Commendation Award

Local law enforcement awarded Sherry Bass, owner of Oh My Lard Restaurant, with a Civilian Commendation Award. Sherry Bass is always doing her part and giving back to not only to her community, but to law enforcement and first responders. The Civilian Commendation Award was a much deserved award and her community stands behind her in their appreciative manner.

The Wilson Times. A down-home diner's salute..