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About OML

I would like to share with y'all how Oh! My Lard ' s name came about and then I'll share the story.

When I first started this venture in May 2014, I wasn't sure what I wanted the name to be. I had a contest on Facebook asking for names for my business. Someone had posted Oh! My Lard and as soon as I saw it I knew that was the perfect name. Everything is fried in lard at the grill!

I shared my dream with Daddy! He always played it safe, and said he wished me luck but, to keep my day job.

Then June 14th, 2014 I lost Daddy unexpectedly from a massive heart attack! This just ripped my world apart! He was and had always been my rock! Well after he was laid to rest, my husband and I went on a vacation that had been planned for a long time. While away I did some serious soul searching. His death made me realize just how short life is and to be happy! So when I got back to work I gave my 30 day notice.

By the way.....I've never worked in a restaurant kitchen until OML.

So I walked away from a secure job with a paycheck and benefits and took a leap of faith. I decided I was gonna find my happy!!! And I did!!! The struggle is real but at the end of the day I really love what I'm doing! I love my customers, my coworkers!

It's just a great feeling to be able to do what you love!!!

I love and miss you Daddy!!